Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crazy Happenings

This has been the weirdest week. I'll probably write more about it later, but today especially has been positively coconuts, so I'll chatter about that for a while.

I skipped my first class. Why? I'm really not sure. Moving on.

Third period I had English/Lit, because I have both of them together but for twice as much time in this weird and wacky system working out by the local bureaucracy. Anyways, we were doing English stuff today, prepping for the Provincial, which is this big exam that Lit students take in January and everyone else takes in June. Americans should think SATs, but only applies to your state. Sort of. Ish. The one Russian person who ended up on my blog, I have no analogy. Sorry.

Anyways, I'm way off topic. The point is that I ended up crying silently in my English class while the guy who sits next to me handed me tissues and seemed uncomfortable. I had started writing about my Opa's death from brain cancer, and it just got really heavy, really fast.

After that class, I had to go and see the grade nine counsellor. I'm in grade twelve. I said my day was weird. I didn't know until I got there why he wanted to see me. Apparently, he wants me to be on CTV tomorrow.


Yeah. That's what I thought. It's got to do with the Schools for Africa club and the stuff I'm doing within it for UNICEF. I get to make my speal in front of an inattentive class of eighth graders and then be interviewed.

So I had laid out my clothes for tomorrow, because although I am not a clothes-conscious person, it will be shown on a major television station, and had gotten into bed. Just settling in, and a loud, warbly rattle comes from upstairs, at a deafening level. I start running, laptop flying, slipping on the rug, clipping elbow on the doorframe and booking it upstairs, to run into my father, coming down from the top floor. He had been using the air compressor to clean out the inside of a computer and had forgotten to unplug it. Let it leak air for several hours and then blam, you have a ten-thirty pm panic attack. I've sat here writing that whole thing and my heart is still racing.

Wish me luck with the TV stuff. I'll probably need it; in case you hadn't realized by my previous posts, I'm kind of a nerd.
Crossies totally count,

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