Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Kill Twelve Minutes, or Loading The Middleman onto My New Laptop

1. Bitch quietly to yourself about how much your teeth hurt (because dentists who twist one of your teeth 30 degrees and make you bleed and cry are evil.)
2. Rejoice at the fact that this laptop is superior to the last one because it actually has internet and you can blog more, because you don't have to fight your brother for computer time.
3. Cuss at the weird doohickey, because you're used to a touch pad.
4. Find lolcat pictures on your old laptop.
5. Have no idea how they got there.
6. Look forward to watching The Middleman.
7. Look forward to the dinner that your mother is making you. Be glad that it's something you can eat.
8. Contemplate beginning to knit yourself a pair of socks. Recognize that you MUST. FINISH. YOUR. SISTER'S. SOCKS. before you begin another pair. Second Sock Syndrome is a bitch.
9. Prepare your old laptop files for transfer.
10. Acknowledge that most of this writing is crap, but you can't bear to part with it. Accept that, since it is not on paper, it is not doing any harm.
11. Be happy. You now have two fully functional USB ports when you used to have ZERO on the craptop.
12. Rejoice! The Middleman has transferred.

Catch you!!


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